Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How it all Started

It all started with an idea – there must be a better product solution than both the sleeper sofa and the futon.

Sleeper sofas can be great looking with excellent seating comfort, but try converting it to a bed. And once it’s all set up, unless you enjoy sleeping on a steel bar, you aren’t in for the best night’s sleep. As for the Futon, while converting to a bed isn’t terribly cumbersome, the look can be clunky and more appropriate for a beer-stained college dorm than someone’s living area at home.

How about a hybrid, we thought. A nice looking product in the seated position and something just as comfortable as a bed. We started with some high end fabrics and great futon designs, but that didn’t move the bar (please excuse the pun). Then we ran into Furniture Guru Extraordinaire, Tom Erdman, who designed the Convert-a-Couch® (CAC).

CAC was exactly what we were looking for – a nice looking sofa, finger touch conversion to a bed and premium mattress comfort. We partnered with Tom and Handy Living was born. A UPSable and easy to assemble product line, perfect for online retailers, was in the works.

Now, after years of serving the online world with smart design and ridiculously easy assembly, we are moving into the big, bad world of selling to traditional brick and mortar retailers. So, while Handy Living is growing up, we maintain our core as a new, startup company –intense curiosity, desire to solve problems for the consumer, willingness to be unique.

We are as excited as ever about the future and look forward to serving you along the way.

-Ken Shonfeld

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